Rabu, 06 Agustus 2014

Did You Miss Me???

Lilly has the four best friends. Carter, Adam, Ian, and David. When she's twelve, she moves away so her mom can follow a boyfriend she's had for only a week. This  leaves Lily heartbroken because she cant be with her best friends. Five years later, Lilly goes back to live with her grandma and wants to spend her senior year of high school with the best friends that she hasn't seen or heard from for the past five years. Sadly, there's a problem. None of the guys are friends with each other
anymore.  The troubles of high school has  torn the four boys apart.Lily wants mend the tear, but she's dealing with her own troubles. Troubles that she doesn't want to talk or think about. Will Lily get all the guys to be friends again? Will she find a way to deal with her troubles? And will she fall in love with a boy from her childhood? Will all these questions be answered or will I stop asking questions? Find out! Now

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